作為今年倫敦建築節的一部分,巴利摩舉辦了一次倫敦建築節幸運島之旅,起點是位於銀禧線景寧鎮地鐵站外的“紅橋”。羅傑▪布萊克(Roger Black)和浩▪克力(Hal Currey)由展示中心開始,介紹了當地獨特的歷史及其對巴利摩最新樓盤的啟示。
All you need is a map and plenty of stamina to get the best out of the capital’s annual celebration of design, says Barbara Chandler.
The Mayor of Newham, Sir Robin Wales, John Mulryan, MD of Ballymore UK and historian Malcolm Graham on the importance of remembrance.